Authentication requests are processed by the GeoOp Authentication Server located at https://login.geoop.com
. The endpoints provided by the server are described below.
User-Friendly Endpoints
These endpoints provide user-friendly visual interface for logging in to the GeoOp system and granting application permissions.
This is the server's login page. Note that this is not an entry point and is not designed to be accessed directly.
There are two possible scenarios of how the page can behave:
- A user manually opens the page in their browser or is redirected to it from another website.
In this case the server silently redirects the user to the GeoOp application website. - A user is redirected to this page from a
In this case the server uses the existing authentication session generated by the/oauth2/code
endpoint. It may show the login form if the user has not yet been authenticated or if the client has explicitly required manual user authentication. On successful authentication it redirects the user to a third-party website or application.
This is a page where a resource owner is presented with some basic information about the application (its name and developer) and a list of permissions that they can grant to that application (the latter is not yet implemented).
If allowed by the application's developer, the resource owner may be able to choose which permissions they want to grant to the application.
OAuth 2 Endpoints
These endpoints allow third-party applications to request authorisation codes and/or access tokens utilising the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
An application that wants to get an authorisation code and later exchange it for an access token for GeoOp API has to redirect the resource owner to this endpoint.
Parameters accepted by the endpoint:
Name | Required | Description |
client_id |
Required | A unique client (application) identifier obtained from GeoOp. |
response_type |
Required | Must be code as per the RFC-6749 specification. |
scope |
Required |
Space-delimited list of permissions scopes required by the client (application). If set to Currently the only supported value is |
state |
Recommended | An arbitrary string that will be returned by the authentication server back to the client (application). Using this string to correlate requests and responses may help prevent certain attacks, such as cross-site request forgery. |
access_type |
Optional |
Determines whether the client (application) is intended to work in offline mode. If so, the Authentication Server may issue a refresh token, which, once the current access token expires, can be exchanged by the client for a new access token without resource owner's interaction with the Server. Allowed values are |
approval_prompt |
Optional |
Determines whether the resource owner's session may be used for automatic authentication. Allowed values are If set to If set to |
redirect_uri |
Optional | Determines where the resource owner is redirected to after successful log in. If provided, the value must exactly match one of the URIs registered by the application's developer. |
This is a multi-purpose endpoint, but the ultimate goal of using it is to receive an access token. The following sections describe various ways of how that can be achieved.
Getting an access token via the implicit grant type flow
When an application wants the access token to be included into the redirect URI, then it may use the /oauth2/token
endpoint to initiate an implicit grant type flow. It has to make a GET
request to the endpoint and include the following parameters:
Name | Required | Description |
client_id |
Required | A unique client (application) identifier obtained from GeoOp. |
response_type |
Required | Must be implicit as per the RFC-6749 specification. |
scope |
Required |
Space-delimited list of permissions scopes required by the client (application). If set to Currently the only supported value is |
state |
Recommended | An arbitrary string that will be returned by the authentication server back to the client (application). Using this string to correlate requests and responses may help prevent certain attacks, such as cross-site request forgery. |
approval_prompt |
Optional |
Determines whether the resource owner's session may be used for automatic authentication. Allowed values are If set to If set to |
redirect_uri |
Optional | Determines where the resource owner is redirected to after successful log in. If provided, the value must exactly match one of the URIs registered by the application's developer. |
Getting an access token via the client credentials grant type flow Not Implemented
When an application wants to receive an access token that should allow it to act on its own behalf (as a system task, for example), then it may use the /oauth2/token
endpoint to initiate a client credentials grant type flow. It has to make a POST
* request to the endpoint and include the following parameters:
Name | Required | Description |
client_id |
Required† | A unique client (application) identifier obtained from GeoOp. |
client_secret |
Required† | A client (application) secret obtained from GeoOp. This parameter may be omitted if the client's type is public. |
grant_type |
Required | Must be client_credentials as per the RFC-6749 specification. |
scope |
Required |
Space-delimited list of permissions scopes required by the client (application). If set to Currently the only supported value is |
* Please use application/x-www-form-urlencoded
data encoding type when submitting POST
† These parameters may be omitted if the Authorization header is used for client authentication.
On success, a JSON object of the following format will be returned:
{ "access_token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 }
On error, a JSON object of the following format will be returned:
{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_code": 2007, "error_description": "The client is not authorised to use the specified grant type." }
Exchanging an authorisation code for an access token
Once the application has received an authorisation code as a parameter added to the redirect URI, it needs to exchange it for an access token, which it will then use to make requests to the GeoOp API. To do that, it has to make a POST
* request to the /oauth2/token
endpoint and include the following parameters:
Name | Required | Description |
client_id |
Required† | A unique client (application) identifier obtained from GeoOp. |
client_secret |
Required† | A client (application) secret obtained from GeoOp. This parameter may be omitted if the client's type is public. |
grant_type |
Required | Must be authorization_code as per the RFC-6749 specification. |
code |
Required | A one-time authorisation code received from the Server. |
redirect_uri |
Optional | Determines where the resource owner is redirected to after successful log in. If provided, the value must exactly match one of the URIs registered by the application's developer. |
* Please use application/x-www-form-urlencoded
data encoding type when submitting POST
† These parameters may be omitted if the Authorization header is used for client authentication.
On success, a JSON object of the following format will be returned:
{ "access_token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA", "owner_id": 5482 }
On error, a JSON object of the following format will be returned:
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_code": 2012, "error_description": "No authorisation code provided." }
Exchanging a refresh token for an access token
If the application has received a refresh token, it may use the /oauth2/token
endpoint to exchange it for a new access token once the current access token has expired. To do that, it has to make a POST
* request to the endpoint and include the following parameters:
Name | Required | Description |
client_id |
Required† | A unique client (application) identifier obtained from GeoOp. |
client_secret |
Required† | A client (application) secret obtained from GeoOp. This parameter may be omitted if the client's type is public. |
grant_type |
Required | Must be refresh_token as per the RFC-6749 specification. |
refresh_token |
Required | A refresh token received from the Server. |
* Please use application/x-www-form-urlencoded
data encoding type when submitting POST
† These parameters may be omitted if the Authorization header is used for client authentication.
On success, a JSON object of the following format will be returned:
{ "access_token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 }
On error, a JSON object of the following format will be returned:
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_code": 2021, "error_description": "No refresh token provided." }
This endpoint is used to revoke an existing access/refresh token. It accepts just one parameter:
Name | Required | Description |
token |
Required | An access/refresh token that has to be revoked. If the specified token has a linked token of other kind, then both tokens will be revoked. |
The endpoint always returns a JSON response.
On success, the HTTP code will be 200 and the format of the response object will be as follows:
{ "revoked_token": "3a8dda76d511a1cec650d4379e4afdea" }
On error, the HTTP code will be 400 and the format of the response object will be as follows:
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_code": 2020, "error_description": "The token parameter is invalid or missing." }